PAAM Overview

Your Overview page is broken down into eight main sections:

  1. Season (manage your seasons)
  2. Stats (statistics)
  3. Email members
  4. Manage Staff
  5. Comp Members
  6. Blacklist
  7. Whitelist
  8. Global Exports

A Season in PAAM is usually a year's worth of events. E.g. if you have 10 events April to September 2013 this will be your 2013 season.

Under the Season title on your Overview page PAAM will display how many days you are into your current season.

If you click the 'Manage Your Seasons' button this will take you to the Current and Previous Seasons page. From here you can:

When you end a season PAAM will:

Please make sure you end your season once each year as we use the seasons in PAAM when calculating your annual licence usage. If you do not end your season once each year PAAM will show you as having 2 years worth of vacancies advertised in a single season.


Email Members

Manage Staff

Level 1: Staff Access to Assigned Events

Level 2: Staff Access to all Events

Level 3: Admin Access to all Events

Level 4: Site Admin

Comp Members

If your applicants are required to pay a deposit for one or more events but you are happy for some to apply without paying a deposit (e.g. trusted staff/volunteers), this section of PAAM allows you to mark their deposit as paid (complimentary) for the current season's events.

Once into the Comp Members section you need to select an event the member has applied to then either scroll down or search for the member using the search box to the right of the page. Once you have found the member you wish to comp, click the "Comp Member" button to the right of their basic personal details.

NB: A member can also be marked as complimentary via their Member Profile page in the 'Deposit' section at the top of the page.


PAAM’s blacklist allows for you to block both current users and potential applicants. Blocking a current user removes them from any events applied for and stops them being able to apply for future events. Blocking a potential applicant stops them being able to apply in the first place e.g. you may want to import an existing blacklist.


The Whitelist is for those you would like to be able to apply to events but can't sign-in (following initial account setup) to PAAM as their details are similar (but not identical) to someone on the Blacklist. For example John Smith from London born on 01/01/2011 is on the blacklist, a second John Smith from London born on 02/01/2011 isn’t on the blacklist but is flagged by PAAM due to the similar personal details.

The Whitelist is only used for the above purpose. To remove someone from the Blacklist, you must do so via the Blacklist, not by Whitelisting them.

NB: You can add an existing member to the Whitelist via their Member Profile page.

Global Exports