Member Profile Overview

A member’s profile page allows you to view all details held about that staff member or volunteer, update and change settings related to the member.

Quick Reference

At the top of the page (under the member’s name) you will find some basic information about the staff member / volunteer:

If a photo has been added to the member’s profile this will be displayed to the right of the page.

Options & Quick Links

To the far right of the member’s profile page you will find the member profile options:


The deposit section of a member’s profile shows the member’s current deposit status and gives options for updating the status.

If the deposit status is ‘Awaiting Deposit’ the options are:

Each of the above options will mark the deposit as paid.

If the deposit status is marked as paid the options are:

Each of the above options will update the status and ask for details if applicable e.g. if a deposit is being withheld.

Current Events

This section lists the events the member has applied to including the application date and their current status for the event.

If a group has been assigned to the applicant this is also shown.

The application/position can be cancelled via the button to the right of the event listing.

Apply for this member

This section lists all events the staff member / volunteer hasn’t applied to and allows you to apply on their behalf.


The notes section lists any notes which have been added to the member’s account including the date and time each note was made and who made the note.

New notes can be added via the box at the bottom of the notes section.

Email this member

Here an email can be sent to the staff member / volunteer.

Applicant Details

The final section of the member profile page lists all applicant details – this is the information which has been supplied by the applicant on application, updated by the applicant following application, or amended by a PAAM administrator.