PAAM Events Overview

The first page you see within the events area is your ‘Events Overview’ which gives you an overview of your current events and the option to add, edit or cancel an event.

Your events are broken down by month and then date. For each event listed the following details are shown:

*the number of filled positions is also shown by way of a coloured bar – the bar fills as the positions at the event are filled:

Add an Event

To add a new event click the ‘Add an Event’ button which you can find within the box to the right of the Events Overview page.

To add a new event you need to enter:

You then need to select the types of positions you have available at the event – please note these options may be different within your PAAM:

Next you need to select if the event has onsite camping for you staff and/or volunteers.

The ‘Turn off Applications’ options allows you to setup an event with applications off e.g. if you would like to prepare an event for applications but not open it straight away.

You then need to specify if your staff and/or volunteers need to pay a deposit for the event and if they do also specify the deposit amount.

Once all required fields and options have been completed select ‘add event’.

Edit an Event

To edit an existing event click the ‘Edit an Event’ button which you can find within the box to the right of the Events Overview page then select the ‘Edit Event’ button to the left of the event name.

NB: you can also delete an event via the Edit an Event page.

Cancel an Event

To cancel (or delete) an existing event click the ‘Cancel an Event’ button which you can find within the box to the right of the Events Overview page then select the ‘Delete Event’ button to the right of the event name.

NB: you can also edit an event via the Cancel an Event page.

Administer an Event

To administer an event you need to first select it – move your mouse over the event name on the ‘Events Overview’ page and select the event (left mouse click) – this will take you to that event’s ‘Event Overview’ page.